And I finally did IT!
Creating a blogspot is an art in itself...
If you are one of the very first people to use the site, creating a username etc wont be tough but when you are about the millionth user....GOD! Gimme patience! Took me about about an hour of personal effort and then another hour of discussion with friends and then finally I made it!
Tried my favorites at first: bugsbunny, asterix, wonderboy...
then got down to some desperate attempts: killme, deadman, chutiya...What still beats me is: How the heck did someone decide to go even with these lousy usernames? Maybe he tried these in a manner similar to mine, found them available, thanked God and moved on.
Username: indianand. I typed indian+anand. Observed that there are too many pairs of "an". Reduced one and got to "indianand". Wouldn't say its well done, but when you are frustrated, any hint of success seems heavenly.
I thought I'd done it but then I was lead to a page where I had to decide on the URL. At this moment I wanted to close down IE, but my cousin was asking me for the link over Yahoo! Messenger. How much I detested typing combos and getting rejects!
Some funny ones were:,, The last one tempted me to change "butterfly" to something hilarious. Tried It was already taken. I struck gold on
I returned to my hostel, quite satisfied that the job was done. Spread the word around that my 'fresh new blog' was @ Never realised that 'jhakaas' is spelt with a double 'a' and not with a double 's'. Friends could never get to my site! Sounded painful. I sat to rectify this and again started the series of stupid hit-and-trial attempts. With a change I included a hiphen (-) in the URL and Bingo!...Some crazy combo had to work and what could better describe a crazy bouncing life than 'crazy-bounces'
Now, is mine!
This is all about IT... & I finally did IT.